Structure and content of the data objects
The following metadata categories are available:
- donor: Set of donors available in the dataset. For details see the donor characteristics summary.
- organ_tissue: List of organs available in Tabula Sapiens.
- anatomical_information: If available, more specific information of where in the organ the cells were collected is provided.
- gender: Gender of donors available in the dataset. For details see the donor characteristics summary.
- cell_ontology_class: Cell type annotations using the Cell Ontology.
- free_annotation: Cell type annotations using free text.
- compartment: Functional compartment for each cell type.
- manually_annotated: True or False, whether or not the corresponding value in Annotation has been manually verified by a tissue expert.
- method: smartseq2 (full-length) or 10x (3prime).
The following numeric layers are available:
- .layers["raw_counts"]: raw, not normalized counts.
- .layers["decontXcounts"]: decontX corrected counts.
- .raw.X: log1p normalized decontX corrected counts.
- .X: log1p normalized and scaled decontX corrected counts.
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