Our goal is to make sequence data rapidly and broadly available to the scientific community as a community resource and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analyses. By accessing these data, you agree to cite our work as The Tabula Sapiens Consortium, Science 376, eabl4896 (2022) if using the original v1 dataset, or to cite our work as The Tabula Sapiens Consortium, biorxiv (2024) if you are using the Tabula Sapiens v2 data release. All processed data is available (see below) and the raw data is browsable from AWS. Redistribution of these data should include the full text of the data use policy.
If you wish to gain access to the raw fastq files, please submit a request here to sign the data use agreement, upon which we may grant you access to the files. Raw fastq files should not be transferred to any third party.